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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Daily Catholic Bible Verse

Catholic Bible Recollection Of The Day

Catholic Bible Recollection Of The Day Numbers 23:19


Catholic Bible Recollection Of The Day Numbers 23:19

Numbers 23:19
A fundamental aspect of God the Father's character is His Faithfulness. A realization, acceptance and unshaken belief in this aspect of God's character is the easy and sure path to the best possible life that you can have. Let me put it in another way, if you don't believe that God can be faithful enough to lead you to the best possible life that you could lead, then obviously, you will not consult Him in every decision that you have to make. Looking further, you will not be able to trust Him with your material life. And thus you will neither be able to fully enjoy the life that He has planned out for you nor enjoy His Presence in your life.

God is always awake and present and faithful to your needs. In the 6-8 hours that you sleep, you are helpless. Neither can you help others nor can others help you. But your God is always awake, aware and heedful to your needs - Faithful. Friends and Family may fail you but not your God - Faithful. Family and Friends may not be there when you are in need of them, But not your God - Faithful. Your God will always be there for you - Faithful.

Read these verses to find what the scriptures say about God's faithfulness.
Romans 8:28
Isaiah 54:10
Hebrews 10:23
Pholippians 1:6
1 Thessalonins 5:23-24

Make a resolution now to take up on God the Father's offer of the best possible life He has planned for you. Respond to the Father's faithfulness with your own and experience basking in the love and joy of a Faithful Father who loves you perfectly and completely. And always remember that God's faithfulness will outlast anything that you can imagine.

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